Senin, 11 April 2011

tugas softskill 3 B.Inggris 2

Nama : Muhammad Lailul RomdhonNPM/Kelas : 11207534/4Ea03

Exercise 35

1. The President are being called somebody everyday.

2. The other members are being John.

3. Mr. Waatson would be called somebody tonight.

4. Considerable damage has been coused by the fire.

5. The suppliers shaal the teacher bought for this class.

Exercise 36

1. Leave

2. Repaired

3. Typed

4. Call

5. Painted

6. Write

7. Lie

8. Sent

9. Cut

10. Signed

11. Leave

12. Washed

13. To fix

14. Published

15. To find

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